Additional Efforts

  • Findlay Market generates almost 700 tons of solid waste each year. During 2021, the market composted just over 6000 pounds of food waste and collected 891 tons of co-mix recycling.

  • Collaborated with Hamilton County Environmental Services, the City of Cincinnati and Rumpke Recycling to locate two neighborhood recycling drop boxes at Findlay Market.

  • Created a Findlay Market District public recycling program that diverts over 30 tons of plastic and glass each year. With funding from a Hamilton County Solid Waste District Priority Grant program, we purchased and now manage 32 public recycling receptacles around the district.

  • Created a food waste composting and commercial recycling program for Findlay Market to divert food waste and cardboard from the landfill. With funding from the Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District and a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture, installed the region's first in-vessel food waste composting system and the only Class II composting facility in an urban area in the state of Ohio.

  • Our current food system requires vast resources to move food by truck from where it is grown and processed to consumers in cities, creating significant environmental impact from fossil fuels. Regional food production and urban farming address this issue in innovative ways.

    • Manage and operate expanding farmers markets that bring locally grown and produced fresh foods to the urban core three days each week from April through December.

  • Reducing energy consumption is critical to reducing the carbon emissions contributing to global climate change.

    • Replaced 1,500 halogen lighting fixtures in the market house with energy efficient T-8 fluorescent fixtures.

    • Replaced more than 1,000 incandescent bulbs in indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures throughout the market facilities with compact fluorescent bulbs.

    • Installed a $15,000 control system for the market house HVAC system that reduces energy consumption by better controlling humidity and temperature.

    • With funding from Duke Energy and the Ohio Department of Development, installed a 22kW photo voltaic system on the market house roof, the largest solar array on a historic building in Ohio.

  • CFFM is committed to neighborhood beautification and urban forestry. Plants, flowers, trees and gardens not only beautify the urban landscape, they improve air quality and sequester carbon.

    • With support from Keep Cincinnati Beautiful and many volunteers, converted an overgrown, trash filled vacant lot near the market's south parking lot into a lovely 4,000 square foot Memorial Butterfly Garden that CFFM maintains and improves each year.

    • Planted and now maintain more than 100 shade trees around the market's parking lots and along sidewalks in the market district.

    • Planted and maintain more than 8,000 perennial flower bulbs in the market district.

    • Annually plant and maintain 96 window flower boxes and 36 large floral planters around the historic market house.

  • The Corporation for Findlay Market, through its mission, policies, and service delivery is intent on being a leader in environmentally sound practices and we continue to explore ways to manage the market's resources in an environmentally sound, sustainable manner.